Costs and other services

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How much a funeral costs

The cost of the funeral is made up of three parts.

  • Disbursements
  • The funeral
  • Any additional charges

To determine the total cost of a funeral the three separate parts have to be added together.

The cost of each funeral varies depending on its constituent parts, but for your information the average cost is currently £4,980 (September 2024).

Please click here to view our Current Price Guide

  • These are fees that the funeral director pays on your behalf.
  • Fees at the crematorium or cemetery, the minister’s fee or fees for a church service and the organist’s fee.

  • We normally offer a “package” where the cost of the funeral varies depending on the choice of coffin or casket that is chosen and the services provided within the package.
  • All our normal services are included within the cost; these are the removal, hygienic treatment, viewing at the Chapel of Repose, arranging the funeral, providing a Hearse and bearers and most provide at least one limousine for the family.
  • We offer Green Funerals for the environmentally friendly within our range.
  • We also offer a Simple Basic Funeral which provides the essential requirements with the minimum ceremony.

  • Such as additional limousines, newspaper notices, floral tributes or funeral stationery which we will be happy to order on your behalf.
  • Perhaps there will be additional charges for the disposal of cremated remains after a cremation.
  • If the death occurred, or the funeral is to take place some distance from our office, a mileage charge may apply.

  • All charges will be explained verbally at the initial interview, and a total estimated cost will be provided in writing before the funeral takes place.
  • Our fully itemised account is sent soon after the funeral.

If you decide that floral tributes are appropriate, in memory of the person who has died, you may invite people to send flowers in a variety of ways.

Essentially there are four options:

  • All flowers – anyone who would like to send flowers can send them to our office.
  • Family flowers only with donations to a charity of your choice.
  • Either flowers or donations – giving people a choice.
  • Some people request no flowers at all, and people may donate to a charity if they wish.
  • We will gladly order flowers for the immediate family or recommend a florist.
  • A record of those who send flowers to our premises is kept and we provide a list of floral tributes for the family.
  • After the funeral we are often asked to take cut flowers to a local nursing home or hospice.

  • If you decide that donations are appropriate the family nominate a charity and invite people to donate in memory of the person who has died.
  • We are pleased to offer our online donation service which is available here.
  • We no longer accept donations made by cash or cheque.
  • The total amount collected is passed to the nominated charity.
  • The family is provided with a list of donors by e-mail approximately one month after the funeral, including the total amount forwarded to the charity.

  • You can contact the paper directly or we can assist you.
  • Our funeral directors will be pleased to assist you to draft a newspaper notice. You may find this list of suitable words, quotes and verses helpful when drafting your announcement.
  • You may like to announce the funeral and the choice of flowers or donations.
  • You need to give some thought to the paper in which you would like the notice to appear.
  • We can place the notice for you in any local or national newspaper.
  • We will submit thanks notices after the funeral if requested.

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • BACS Transfer
  • From the deceased’s estate – this can be before Probate is granted providing there are sufficient funds in the deceased’s bank account. Please ask us for our final account to present to their bank.
  • In certain circumstances, assistance may be obtained from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) towards the payment of funeral expenses. Please visit for more information.

Depending on the size of the estate and if a will has been left, the Probate Office, Tel: 0300 303 0648 may need to be contacted, or legal advice obtained.

The Department of Work and Pensions issue a very useful guide entitled “What to do after someone dies” available to download on their website at

Useful websites:

You will need to complete form SF200 from the DWP, or telephone 0800 151 2012, within 6 months of the funeral. You may qualify for assistance if the person responsible for arranging the funeral is receiving:-
• Income Support.
• Income based Job Seekers Allowance.
• Housing Benefit.
• Pension Credit.
• Income-related Employment & Support Allowance
• The disability element of Working Tax Credit.
• Child Tax Credit.
• Universal Credit

We will be pleased to give advice or arrange the memorial if requested.

We practice temporary preservation (embalming) under modern hygienic conditions. We believe all progressive funeral directors should do this as part of the service they offer. Besides the benefits to health both for you and all our staff, it also allows visits to the chapel of rest until the day of the funeral.

If the deceased is fitted with a heart pacemaker, this should be removed. For a cremation this is compulsory, and for a burial this will avoid a charge from the National Health Service. If a pacemaker, or any similar implant is fitted, it is important that you advise us. We will then remove and return it to the local Health Authority for you.

We regularly hold talks to give explanations and to answer questions on funerals to clubs, groups, training courses etc, so please feel free to contact us at any time.

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