Company Director in the top ten nomination awards


Plymouth funeral director David Parslow has been shortlisted for a national award.

Mr Parslow of independent funeral directors Walter C Parson is one of 10 finalists in the running for the Funeral Director of the Year accolade in the Good Funeral Awards 2014.

Award judges had the challenging task of shortlisting from hundreds of nominations for 14 categories including recognition for the best cemetery, florist, crematorium attendant, celebrant, alternative hearse, gravedigger, coffin supplier and best bereavement resource.

Mr Parslow, who is principally based at the WCP St Judes office, has served the bereaved in Plymouth for 30 years. He was nominated by Civil Funeral Celebrant Wendy Coulton for his outstanding commitment to improving choice and experience of the bereaved.

Wendy said: “David is typical of the funeral directing profession in that he is modest and doesn’t seek plaudits for his work but his service in Plymouth is extraordinary and deserves recognition.

“Despite being in the profession for many years David is always seeking to improve the experience and service to the bereaved. He is also very generous with his time and knowledge, for example as an advisor to Ford Park Cemetery Trust and as a lead tutor for the British Institute of Funeral Directors Education and Training programme.

“Personally I cannot thank David enough as my professional mentor in my role as a funeral celebrant and for his support in the development of new venues for non-religious funeral services in Plymouth to improve choice for the bereaved.”

Award winners will be announced at a gala Good Funeral Awards dinner on 7th September 2014 in Bournville, Birmingham


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