The Walter C. ParsonComplaints PolicyComplaints PolicyWe are sorry that we haven’t been able to meet your expectations and you feel the need to bring a complaint to our attention. We strive to deliver a first-class service, which would only be acceptable to a member of our own family. We are always looking for ways to improve our service and customer care and can assure you that your complaint will be dealt with promptly.Stage One If there is an issue with the service you are receiving whilst you are making arrangements for a funeral, please speak to your Funeral Director in the first instance. All of our Funeral Directors are fully qualified and should be able to deal with any issues you have promptly and to your satisfaction.Stage Two If your Funeral Director is unable to resolve your issue, or you feel that the matter warrants a formal complaint, please put your complaint in writing to:John Ware Managing Director Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors The Firs 702 Budshead Road Plymouth PL6 5DYTelephone: 01752 767676 E-mail: john@wcpltd.comYour complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days and you will receive a response, either by telephone, in writing, or by way of a meeting within 7 working days.Stage Three If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction by Walter C. Parson, you should apply in writing to NAFD Resolve, which is provided independently as part of our membership of the National Association of Funeral Directors.NAFD Resolve 618 Warwick Road Solihull West Midlands B91 1AATelephone: 0121 711 1636 E-mail: Website: