WCP Responds to Fairer Finance Report on Funeral Plans

Fairer Finance today released a report into funeral plans being sold using hard sales tactics. The report highlighted the shortfall in some funeral plans, which means that bereaved families are left with a substantial bill to pay, when the person who has passed away believed that they had left their affairs in order with all funeral costs covered.

John Ware, Managing Director’s Assistant at Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors explains the differences between the various funeral plans available.

“The standard and quality of a funeral plan varies significantly depending on the company which provides the funeral plan and how it is sold.

In recent years, publicity surrounding the rising cost of funerals and the need to plan ahead has grown hugely, resulting in funerals becoming fully marketable products and led to a number of businesses operating direct sales tactics: knocking on doors, cold calling and finding inventive ways to forcefully sell funeral plans.

Whilst some of these plans are sold with the “guarantee” that they cover the entire funeral cost, examining the small print reveals that most plans only provide a contribution towards third party costs (such as cremation or burial fees). It is these fees which have seen the biggest growth year on year, with a 6.2% rise in cremation fees in the South West in 2017.

A direct salesman is also likely to take commission, up to £1,000 in some cases, which is removed from the cost paid by the plan holder, resulting in less funds being available to the funeral director when the funeral is required.

You wouldn’t buy a car from a cold-caller knocking on your door, so our message is that when making such an important purchase as a funeral plan, you should make contact with your local, independent funeral director who will be pleased to advise you on the best option available for you, with no obligation whatsoever.

It is important to emphasise that there are a number of reputable funeral plans being sold by long-established funeral directors, such as Walter C. Parson, which genuinely guarantee that the entirety of the funeral cost is covered, no matter when the funeral may be required.

I would like to reassure all holders of a Walter C. Parson Funeral Plan that our Company continues to guarantee the entirety of our funeral plans for cremation – both our funeral director’s fees and third-party costs. This means that the only costs which may need to be paid at the time of the funeral are for any flowers or newspaper notices selected by your family.”

The BBC article explaining the Fairer Finance report is available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40518578

John Ware

John Ware

John is the seventh generation of the Parson family to work within the family business.

If you have any concerns regarding pre-paid funeral plans, please do not hesitate to contact Walter C. Parson Funeral Directors on 01752 76 76 76


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